Wellness Tourism Set to Peak in 2024

Wellness Tourism Set to Peak in 2024

Wellness is poised to become a 7 trillion-dollar global economy by 2025, with the Indian wellness market valued at around Rs. 499 billion, ranking India among the top 20 contributors worldwide. A recent survey conducted by CGH Earth Experience Wellness indicates a noticeable surge in wellness tourism. The data from their centers in Kerala and Gokarna reveal a shift from a predominantly international traveler base to a more balanced composition, with 50 percent of visitors being Indians as of year-end 2023.

The survey highlights some intriguing trends:

  1. Beyond Gym Workouts: There is a rising trend in men enrolling in wellness and detox programs. Post-COVID, the realization dawned that achieving optimal health extends beyond conventional gym workouts to encompass a holistic approach to health and lifestyle.
  2. Sleep Prioritization: The quest for holistic healing is driven by the desire to address sleep deprivation and irregular sleep patterns. Sleep has become a crucial focus in the pursuit of overall wellness.
  3. Workforce Wellness: Corporates are increasingly embracing workforce wellness initiatives, appointing Chief Wellness Officers and chief Spiritual Officers, and leveraging health apps to assist employees in managing workplace stress.
  4. Curative Wellness: An age-wise analysis indicates that the majority of preventive wellness visitors fall in the 30 to 50 age group, while individuals in the 50-59 age bracket specifically seek curative wellness. This age group, often associated with the onset of health challenges, is recognizing the need for sustainable lifestyle changes.
  5. Women's Health Retreats: Retreats and programs addressing women's health, including postpartum and menopause-related concerns, are gaining popularity. The holistic healing practices at "Prakriti Shakti," CGH Earth's clinic for Natural Medicine, emphasize the body's remarkable capacity for self-healing.

Additional insights from the report shed light on the emergence of a new trend – Family Bonding over Wellness. While wellness has traditionally been an individual pursuit, families are increasingly incorporating children into wellness activities. Multi-generational wellness holidays are gaining traction, encouraging healthier lifestyle habits from an early age. SwaSwara’s Swa Wellbeing program exemplifies this trend, offering a family bonding retreat with activities ranging from healthy cooking classes to guided art and pottery sessions, family fitness activities using Yoga, and spa time for adults.

Looking ahead to 2024, the prevailing mantra is "Feeling good is as important, if not more, than looking good." The wellness buzzword for the year emphasizes Longevity, focusing on living a longer and healthier life. The ancient Indian holistic sciences of Ayurveda and Naturopathy are positioned as effective tools for achieving this goal, having proven their efficiency over time in promoting overall well-being.

the eight dimensions of wellness

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the wellness continuum

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best described as, the full integration of states of physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

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